We present the interactive atlas of the CAREXIL-FR project, which aims to electronically edit and linguistically annotate a collection of letters written between 1939 and 1940 by Spanish exiles interned in French camps and destined for the CAEERF (Commission d’Aide aux Enfants Espagnols Réfugiés en France). These letters, unpublished to date, are preserved in the French national archives (Archives Nationales, Site de Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, France).
CAREXIL-FR is a research project carried out by the Atelier de Romanités Numériques of the University of Paris 8 (Laboratoire d’Études Romanes, EA 4378) in collaboration with the French National Archives (Archives Nationales) and the Études Romanes team (EA 369) of the University of Paris Nanterre.
The CAREXIL project provides access to the digital critical edition of the preserved letters and their historical and linguistic annotation to meet the needs of interested philologists, linguists and historians.