
9 de mayo Día de Europa

9 MAY Europe Day

Europe Day held on 9 May every year celebrates peace and unity in Europe. The date marks the anniversary of the historic ‘Schuman declaration’ that set out his idea for a new form of political cooperation in Europe …

La masacre de Srebrenica (11 de julio de 1995)

Srebrenica Genocide (11 July 1995)

The Public Institution Fond Memorijala Kantona Sarajevo, in cooperation with the Programme of the Mechanism for Informing Conflict-Affected Communities of the International Residual Mechanism

IFRC- Día Mundial de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja- 8 de mayo de 2023

IFRC- World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day- 8 May 2023

Henry caring for the wounded in Solferino, Hilda helping hurricane victims in Port Vila, Mohamed monitoring the nutritional condition of the inmates in Baidoa prison, Yulima teaching first aid to people with disabilities in Maracay, and Luna rescuing migrants on the shore of Ceuta…

Homenaje a los españoles deportados y fallecidos en Mauthausen- 5 de mayo de 2023

Day of Homage to the Spaniards deported and killed in Mauthausen and other camps and to all the victims of Nazism in Spain – 5 May 2023

The Council of Ministers of the Spanish Government, held on 26 April 2019, agreed to establish 5 May as the Day of Homage to the Spaniards deported and killed in Mauthausen and other camps and to all victims of Nazism in Spain, a laudable measure that contributes to multiplying tributes, in towns and cities throughout Spain, to their neighbours who were victims of the National Socialist regime.