El Museo de la Paz de Gernika presents the new book made in collaboration with the Granollers City Council and the EUROM on "Italian participation in the Spanish civil war"

After the first meeting held in Gernika last year to address this little-discussed topic — The Museo de la Paz de Gernika presents the book DESCUBRIENDO LO SILENCIADO: LA PARTICIPACIÓN ITALIANA EN LA GUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLA.

A complete book, with the participation of numerous historians and organizations with a long history, written in Spanish and Italian and downloadable for free from the museum’s websitehttps://issuu.com/museodelapazdegernika/docs/af_descubriendo_lo_silenciado_libro_digital , which includes the 29 presentations around various axes of work: Context and starting point; The investigation into the Italian participation in the Civil War; Archives: hidden treasures; State of the matter at a legal level; Symbolic and diplomatic reconciliation; How to work at the educational and broadcast level.

A book that begins a collaborative work (which continues and has recently had a second meeting in Granollers and Barcelona) between memorial institutions in Italy and Euskadi and Catalonia and that will continue to develop in subsequent years.

Led by three organizations such as the Museo de la Paz de Gernika, the EUROM European Memories Observatory and the Granollers City Council and with the collaboration of Gernika Gogoratuz, the Kultur Etxea of Gernika, Durango 1936 Kultur Elkartea, Lobak, Gernika Batzordea, Gernika garretan, Scuola di pace di Monte Sole, Istoreco and the Educational Cooperation Rete, among others.

More information at zuzendaritza.museoa@gernika-lumo.net Tel 636378632 (Iratxe Momoitio, director)