Symposium “Mothers in the Holocaust”

October 15 2023

How can we define the loss of a child in a context of genocide or political violence? What did Jewish mothers experience during the Holocaust? Who are these women who survived the death of their child/children?

On Sunday, October 15 2023, more than a hundred people attended this symposium about mothers in the Holocaust.

Laurence Collet-Roth, behavioural psychotherapist, and Simon Pintel, psychologist and psychoanalyst, were at the initiative of this unprecedented symposium.

The participants listened to the testimony of Alexandre Halaunbrenner, brother of Mina and Claudine, two children rounded up on April 6 1944, about their mother’s fight. Were also involved Nathalie Zajde, Catherine Grandsard, Elisabeth Malka, Jacques Védrinne, Beate et Serge Klarsfeld.

The particularity of this symposium was in the presence of Maria Fernanda Gomez Garrido et Blanca Nubia Monroy, two Colombians who came to speak about “false positives”, these missing people, found in mass graves, wrongly accused of being guerrillas.