Flying prohibited; children and armed conflicts

21-09-2012 / 17-03-2013

The exhibition “Flying prohibited: Children and armed conflicts” brings together 36 pictures by 16 renowned photo-journalists: Mariano Agudo, Chema Barroso, Miguel Berrocal, Alejandro Carra, Agustín Catalán, Ángel Colina, José Luis de la Cuesta, Manuel Charlón, Corinne Dufka, Ramón Jiménez, Kim Manresa, Rafael Marchante, Gervasio Sánchez, Ilya U. Topper, Eduardo Urdangaray and Jorge Zapata.

Words and pictures are combined to show seven aspects of the impact of armed conflicts on childhood. They analyse the indoctrination of children as future soldiers willing to give their lives for their homeland or for another ideal, they document the lives of child soldiers, they show the destruction of their families, they highlight the terrible effects of antipersonnel mines, they follow the trail of child refugees and those displaced by bombings, they reflect the harsh realities of post-war times, when children are forced to grow up early, and they depict efforts to recover lost childhood, overcome trauma and teach children about peace.
