
Autoritarismo y genocidio: Narrativas de exclusión 
16ª Reunión Bienal de la Asociación Internacional de Estudiosos del Genocidio

Authoritarianism & Genocide: Narratives of Exclusion

As one of the local partners of the 16th Biennial Meeting of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, EUROM organizes the roundtable “Colonial violence and its legacies”. Under the title “Authoritarianism & Genocide Narratives of Exclusion“, the meeting will bring together experts, scholars and practitioners at the University of Barcelona from July 10 to 14.

Cover image: Bombing of Figueras in February 1939. National Library of Spain

First International Conference on Conflict Heritage

Organized by the City Council of Figueres and the European Observatory of Memories (EUROM) of the University of Barcelona’s Solidarity Foundation, the First International Conference on Conflict Heritage will take place in Figueres from November 10 to 12, 2023.

Discussion entre le metteur en scène, la comédienne et le public à l’issue de la pièce le 2 juin 2023 / Discussion between the director, the actress and the audience after the play on June 2 2023 
© Maison d’Izieu

A sky full of birds

The play entitled Un ciel rempli d’oiseaux, written by Antoine Choplin in 2021, pays tribute to the Romani artist Ceija Stojka, deceased in 2013.


Webinar: The Experience of Women and Children in Wartime

This roundtable organised by the European Association of History Educators (EuroClio), in the framework of the REMEMCHILD project, will reflect on the wartime experience of women and children in Europe, in particular during the Spanish Civil War, the Second World War and the wars of the 1990s in the Western Balkans.

Thierry Philip (Président de l’association de la Maison d’Izieu) donnant un discours lors de la commémoration du 6 avril 2023 / Thierry Philip (president of the Maison d’Izieu association) delivering a speech during the commemoration on April 6 2023 
© Maison d’Izieu

Commemoration of July 16

The most emblematic ceremony at the Maison d’Izieu is the one which takes place on April 6 in order to commemorate the roundup of 1944 …